A trust can be a very flexible and advantageous means to transfer your assets in the future.
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What’s the best way to leave money to loved ones?
There are many different types of trusts, and they can be complex to set up and execute. However, a trust can be a very flexible and advantageous means to transfer your assets in the future. Trusts can also provide current benefits, such as tax deferral and deductions. Unlike a will, a trust may help avoid probate upon your death.
We are happy to work together with you and a qualified estate planning attorney to help you learn more about trusts and ensure they work in concert with your overall financial strategy.
We have an excellent estate planning attorney we have partnered with for many years, whom will review your Trust complimentary to make sure it is correctly up to date. If you don’t already have a Trust, they will review your situation to see if having a Trust is recommended. Once you decide to move forward with any recommendations, their team will bill you for services provided. Many existing clients over the years have chosen to meet with our estate planning attorney in our office where they can meet with Troy before or after their meeting. This attorney is also a client of ours and we are a client of theirs.
Our firm is not permitted to offer, and no statement contained herein shall constitute, investment, tax or legal advice. You should consult an investment, legal or tax professional on any such matters.
Strategies for Financial Independence
Contact us at info@asset-retention.com or call us at 949.595.4409 (toll free: 877.707.4409) to schedule a time to discuss your financial situation and the potential role of insurance in your financial strategy.
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